Sunday, April 3, 2011

I'm going to go buy some supplies but I'll be back

I realized that I am in a unique position to share with people how to go from an awful looking lawn to a fully operational vegetable garden.  I just moved to a new house in October 2010.  I am in the middle of converting my 1/4 acre to a veggie farm.  I will be posting google calander events for you join so you do your garden preparations and planting on schedule.

I've got to go to the visit my mom and grab some plastic sheeting from her garage.  I'll explain later. 

But while I'm gone, you should start turning about 25% of your gardening space about 8 inches deep.  Add about 40 lbs dolomitic or calcitic limestone (about $4 for a 50 lb bag) per 1000 sq ft.  Then shovel that into raised rows with a depth of 12 inches of loosely piled sandy loam.  Do NOT add manure or any fertilizer until I get back.  I will explain the limestone when I return too.

P.S.  I am assuming you are living in USDA hardiness zone 6.

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